Survey results have revealed that perceptions around service delivery in the Metropolis of Johannesburg are stabilising.The Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey was conducted by the Office for Market Research at the University of South Africa during the month of November 2009.A number of 3000 residents participated in the survey.
The Office for Market Research Survey concludes that, "overall it seems that no deterioration in core municipal service delivery occurred from 2009 to 2010".
uring the press briefing the Mayoral Committee admitted that there are areas which demand attention especially with regards to the city`s billing system for electricity and the customer complaints call centre.
Below are the specific findings for the core services surveyed:
ElectricityIn2009,electricity recorded a mark of 6.66, which improved slightly to 6.86in2010.Comparedto2009,the2010satisfactionlevelsfor electricityprovisionshowed increases in region C (Roodepoort), Region D (Greater Soweto) and Region E (Sandton/Alexandra).
However, 16.1% of households in the City were dissatisfied with electricity in2010.Withinthisratio,47.6%ofhouseholdsclaimedservice interruptionsastheirmajorconcern and 32 % cited unaffordability and high tariffs.
Refuse collectionRefuse collection recorded the highest satisfaction rating in 2010 compared toall other core services. Only 4.7 % of the households were dissatisfied with garbage collection.
Amongst the dissatisfied, 44.6 % indicated that garbage is seldom collected. Approximately29.5%ofthedissatisfied cited that uncollected refuse poses serious health risks.
Neighbourhood RoadsNeighbourhoodroads recorded the 2nd lowest satisfaction in 2010. Since 2006, the rating score has fallen amongst the ass three.
About19.7% of the households were dissatisfied with neighbourhood streets in2010.Amongst the dissatisfied, 53.4 % indicated poor maintenance as a majorreason.Poor maintenance also topped the list of dissatisfaction in2008and2009.A further 29.6 % claimed that roads are not tarred or are cold or muddy.
Water provisionTheprovisionforwaterwas listed amongst the top 3 in 2010. About 11.2% of the households showed dissatisfaction with water provision. 38.5%ofthosedissatisfiedcitedwatercutsas the principal author of their dissatisfaction.
StormwaterThesatisfactionscoreofstormwater improved significantly since 2007.Only 8.1 % of the households showed dissatisfaction with stormwater systems citing blocked systems and lack of maintenance as the major reasons.
Street/public lightsStreetlightsrecordedthelowestscoreof all core services, despite marginalimprovements since 2007. About 20.9 % of the households indicated thattheyaredissatisfiedwithstreet/public lights, with the highestlevels of dissatisfaction recorded in Region G (Ennerdale/Orange Farm).Amongst the dissatisfied, 76.9 % cited poor maintenance as the major reason and 14.1 % indicated that there are no or not enough street lights in their area.
Sanitation and waste waterThesatisfactionratingregarding sanitation and wastewater fell amongst thelowest three in 2010. However, its ratings show consistent increase insatisfactionsince2007.RegionG, (Ennerdale/Orange Farm) reflects the lowestsatisfactionwithsanitationandwastewater.14.4%of the households showed dissatisfaction with sanitation and wastewater.
Of thosedissatisfied, 52.4 % cited no proper sanitation or flush toilets as major business and 27.6 % listed toilet blockages or bursts pipes.
Other Results
Community servicesTheoveralltrendshowsagradual improvement in the satisfaction with communityservicesbetween2005and2009followedby a fall of 4 percentagepointsin2010.Onceagain,theutilisation of pedestrianwalkways,clinics,cemeteries, taxi ranks and informal trading were rated high.However,theCityrecognisesaneedto increase utilization of museums, theatres and garden refuse sites.
Public Safety and By - Law EnforcementThetrendwithregardtopublicsafetyshowsagradualdecline in satisfactionfrom2005to2010.A fall in expiation of 7 percentage points was noted between 2009 and 2010. Results also show that there isaperceptionamongstsome residents that Johannesburg is an unsafe place after dark.
Residentsfrom all regions, except residents of Region F (the Interior City), have expressed concerns about safety in Johannesburg.
The trendwithregardtoby-law enforcement shows a little gain in satisfactionbetween2006and2009with a considerable drop of 4 index points in 2010 to levels seen in 2007.
Traffic controlPerceptionsofhouseholdsabouttrafficcontrolincreasedfairly consistentlyfrom2006to2009butdroppedto a lower layer in 2010. Regions B, C, E, and G reported the lowest rating.
31%that expressed dissatisfaction with traffic control cited insufficient officers,policevisibilityandlimitedtrafficpolicing as the major reasons.
Crime PreventionHouseholdperceptionsofcrimepreventionweregenerally low in 2010, especially in regions B and C.
Billing & PaymentTherewasanoted increase in the satisfaction with billing and payments from2007to2010.However serious concerns about the City`s power to contend with incorrect accounts were once again cited in 2010. Four (4) out of theseven (7) regions recorded average satisfaction ratings of under 6 forthis item.
Customer CareCustomercare has significantly deteriorated since 2009 by a 15 percentage points.
Participation and CommunicationThesatisfactionindexforcommunicationefficiency shows a consistent increase since 2006. However the results are founded on real low levels of engagement and low awareness of the City`s communication modes.
CorruptionApproximately22%ofhouseholdsindicatedthattheywereawareof corruption in the City. Bribery, fraud and misuse of office were mentioned as key forms of corruption. A substantial number of citizens (about 14.1%) are notawareofthecorruptionhotlineandveryfew(about 11.4%) are reporting corruption to the City`s authorities.
It must be celebrated that since the view was conducted in November 2009, the Metropolis has taken a total of initiatives that should make a positive impact on the tone of service delivery in Johannesburg as good as the public`s perceptions.
The launching of a "one city; one number" call-centre system to record customer complaints about service delivery and to hurry up the City`s response times;The last stages of Operation Phakama to clean up the billing systems and see that customers receive accurate data on their accounts;Growing public funding for the Rea Vaya BRT with an increasing list of commuters making use of the organization and commenting positively about quality and efficiency. Agreements reached with the taxi industry have alsolessened the stress in this sector;A fall in crime statistics during and chase the World Cup resulting from the foundation of more technology systems (including CCTV cameras) and an addition in the act of members in consistent and theGlobal positive reactions to the successful hosting of the 2010 World Cup which should also reflect in positive perceptions about the City among residents.
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