Saturday, October 30, 2010

damnedinsatiablethirsteternallanguor: Dead ball - A Review

Dead ball - A Review
Allsport is a not-for-profit sports organization run by millionaire, champion golf legend, Reid Clark to help challenged athletes receive their greatness. The challenges these new people face where poverty, no education, former crew members, normally kids that would never have gotten noticed because they were not your normal, high-school or college athletes.

Through the program at Allsport many of these athletes went on to either professional careers or Olympic success. As the bible opens Reid is giving a personal circuit of the facilities to the Chairperson of the United States when a trunk is ground in the flower beds on campus. Once the Chairman is rushed to guard the trunk is observed to be that of Reid`s best friend and CFO of Inner City Sports Foundation dba Allsport, Bob Thomas. This is the 2nd record in a serial by Balkind regarding the fictional sports campus at Allsport, the commencement being "Sudden Death" and once again brings us into the kingdom of private investigator and master of protection at Allsport, Jay Scott. Scott, with the reluctant help of the local police department, takes over the probe and along with his team of investigators, funded by the multi-millions that the base has raised, go into the subject to track down every lose end from the accountants that the departed Thomas fired just days ago, to his angry wife and the stalking ex-girl-friend from a recent affair, to the members of the mob and street gang members. It appears Thomas had been involved with causing distress in many people`s lives. As the alibis are met, one by one, we are led on a way that is nearer to home. Could someone on the faculty of the foundation, one of the trusted inner families of Allsport, have a hit to reconcile with Thomas? Balkind`s complex plot suddenly rushes to a climax as the bodies stack up on the way and Scott and his investigators eliminate the suspects one by one until the accuracy is illuminated_or is it?

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