Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"rock band" "bob marley" - Rock Band ! X.60 Drum Set

Review by Mushroom Samba~ for Rock Band 2 X360 Drum SetRating: wringer.A kaput pedal, dented pads, and cracking legs _ the matter is showing its age.When I picked up the wireless drums I was hoping for a decent step up in feature, and Harmonix delivered.

Huge changes: pedal, drum heads, and teh unwired.

The drum pedal comes with a stock metal plate, so you won`t get to go to pedal medals to blame one up for yourself.

nfortunately Harmonix only half _ uh _ "did" it since the hinge, which is a further notorious break show in the design, is indistinguishable to the rockband 1 pedal.Based on it`s appearance the RB2 pedal is indistinguishable to the RB1 pedal, with just the comprehension of the plate.Don`t expect wildly different performance, and if you actually need to debar a headache go forward and buy the pedal medal hinge replacement now to require charge of the pedal`s only weak point.All in all though, the metal plate is a substantial advance over the pure plastic of the RB1 pedal.

The drum heads are waay better this time around.They seem slightly better, but don`t need my book on that, and are made of a different material.Sticks have a very nice bounce off of the go up, and there are intimate and external rings to serve you perfect in on the essence of the pad with every hit.The outside ring is somewhat harder, more rubbery, and the internal ring has a shiny go up that has a very elastic feel to it.Playing on these, whether just tapping or really tearing into them, is a much better experience.You don`t get to make so difficult to get your sticks to bounce which is nice, and the *smack* of bone on pad has been seriously quieted.The pads are easily the nicest upgrade, and you should make a wonderful time hitting these things for at least a couple of years.

These drums are also wireless, which pretty much profit they do exactly like any other 360 d-pad.Nothing more to say than that.

A further reviewer keen out that the sticks included with this kit are genuine Ludwig sticks, which is a nice bonus.Oddly my RB1 set came with some pro-mark 747′s, which are slightly heavier and, to me at least, have a somewhat better heft because of the consequence.If you`ve been acting with the RB1 revision one sticks, which look like they`re made out of balsa wood, then you will wish the Ludwigs.On the other hand if you have revision two drums with the pro-mark sticks you`ll probably need to stay with them.

As noted elsewhere Harmonix didn`t exactly reinvent the roll with the RB2 drums, but all of the small improvements, and in the cause of the drum pads a BIG improvement, make the drumming experience much more fun.The plot itself is run for a further review, but if you`re a RB drummer you should do yourself a privilege and blame this kit up.Honestly, you leave not be disappointed.

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