hen they lost and came second in as democrats, they spent the nexthundred years fighting against the rights now in the constitution forblacks to vote.Truman won reelection because the democrats split onthe subject of segregation.FDR knew well as did Wilson before about hisparties ties to the KKK and anguish and lynching by democrats in thesouth protected by the democrat leaders in the states.Neither wouldtake on their company to keep the lives of blacks.Truman, a vet, forcedthe integration in the military AFTER WWII.LBJ, who many believepushed through civil rights legislation to read what he could accomplishthat JFK could not or would not undertake in hs own party, had the guts toget it done.Soon afterwards that, abortion was legalized with Roe and thedemocrats became the company for abortion.It is too interesting to seethat despite being just about 13% of the entire population, blacks makeup a much higher percentage of abortions.Sanger, an ardent supporterof the miscarriage of blacks and those she saw as lower classes, is ofcourse honored now by the popular party.We mark the latest outragein Philidelphia of the abortion mill doctor who was indicted for killingbabies not in the womb, but after delivery, but sliting their neckspinal cord which has to be very painful.Most of his patients werepoor blacks.Most of the abortion centers are in black neighborhoods.This doctor alone may have killed hundreds of babies of colour after theywere out of the womb.This is just the legislation that Obama as anIllinois state senator fought to prevent legal, the killing outside thewomb. So I would be more impressed with Cooper if he did somevery serious reporting on actual story of a lot more than this type offact and not the cleaned up version to support democrats.He willnever do this character of study on Obama no matter what the case or errorwith this much venom. It is fact that many of the founders wereslave owners.It was not viewed by many as still an exit at that time.If anyone had tried to catch it during the constitutional convention,there would not have been a constitution at all and we would haveprobably not had a country.Lincoln believed that blacks would never beable to contend and so plotted to get free slaves sent elsewhere withLiberia his first choice.He showed himself to be very reluctant tofree the slaves.During the war, he only freed those who lived inrebelling states.It did not train his party long to project out how touse blacks with 40 acres and a mule enticement to vote.Now, democratsuse blacks and rarely do much to ameliorate their lives.After spendingtrillions over the decades on so called war on poverty, in many ways theplight of the dark man is worse than before it started as the familycenter, once strong in black families, has been destroyed.Little hasbeen done to arrest illegal immigration even though most studies showingthe number of jobs they get taken have been at the expense in largepercentage from blacks.The democrats have done little to really combatdrug use and it continues to devastate the negro community tied to theshooting of kids in force by shootings in many of our citites.Democrats have blocked any effort to provide blacks to make choice ineducation condemning them to inner city schools.In Washington, they donot send their kids to those schools, but block inner city blacks fromescaping.the own to much to the teacher union and they have blacks inthe hip pocket for votes.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
VIDEO) Michele Bachmann has no conception of Slavery and People want .
It would be interesting to see the major news network readers,radio talk show hosts, politicians in congress on both sides, theexecutive branch, and many of the commenters here take an intensive teston our land from its beginning through today.Most are not even awarethat the popular company was the party of slavery up to and includingtheir break to the Conferacy.They were willing to go to war over it.
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