Saturday, January 15, 2011

Un umim, y un tumim.

Similarly, and I've said this habitually in conversations recently: way back in the 90's, when Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls were gunned down mercilessly (depending on how you see this, a call went out to the entire rap community to quiet down the lyrics because the area could ill open to keep losing children to inner city violence. We all recognise the king and reality of influence that media has on the developing mind.

That is the both the grounds for and against using it for carrying punditry along the pundit-tree while the bulk of the students across the land are crippled due to plummeting literacy rates and incapacity to comprehend, let alone remember history, nor read the grandness of the imagery that's being used. In complete contrast, every available voice that regularly utilized inflammatory language, consistently poured vehemence onto the airwaves, perpetually placated the people with their rage inducing rhetoric, immediately took to their chosen distribution device - radio, television, web page, newspaper, - and quickly claimed "it couldn't have perhaps been the lyrics." In the Communications field that's known as ad-libbing (or liberalizing your dialogue. Perish the thought! In the Instruction field that's known as 'Brain Storming.' I take no obligation for the parity of this technique with another, much more pedestrian term. What I'm driving at is the fact that every individual one of the "operators" - even that is a military term - pontificates, from every face of the quadrangle. O'Donnell's "Where is freedom of words in the Constitution" to the Libertarian "What does the EPA, or the Department of" to the Sarah Palin "blood libel" to Paul Kanjorski's hugely inflammatory commentary on Rick Scott. The answer, as I've said often and other in my column, is Education. Not the sort that's going on now, but the sort that takes into account classics, critical thought, philosophy, and trains students to be thoughtful, insightful, and educated citizens of the union.

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