Thursday, November 11, 2010

Traci-Ann Johns a leader and web whiz

Traci-Ann Johns is a 22-year-old entrepreneur, chiefexecutive officer of Websol, a newly formed web-development business,which specialises in website designs and web-application development.She said, "I am pursuing a degree at the University of Technology,Jamaica, a Bsc in computer science and information technology. Duringhigh school, I served as the chairperson of the literary and debating clubfor three consecutive years.

"My experience as a youthleader in Jamaica commenced in 2003 when I was elected as vice-presidentfor the student council at my high school, giving me an opportunity toadvocate for the rights of students.

After graduating from high school at 15 years old, I enrolled at Knox Community College, where I did a pre-university course until I was old enough to enter university."

"InMarch 2006, I applied for and was shortlisted, from more than 80applicants, for the set of youth ambassador. After a gruellingselection process, I was one of 11 other young persons appointed to theJamaica Youth Ambassador Programme.

My portfolio was that of aYouth Ambassador-At-Large. I was chosen to represent Jamaica on behalfof the approximately 488,000 youth at the 2006 United Nations` GeneralAssembly in New York as head delegate. There, I presented a statement on`Social development, including questions relating to the world socialsituation and to youth`.

"Also in 2006, I was selected as theyouth representative on the Politics of Jamaica delegation, headed byMaxine Henry-Wilson, minister of teaching and youth, to theCommonwealth Education Minister`s Meeting in Cape Town, South Africa,"Johns said.

"In Jan 2008, my tenure as youth ambassador wasextended to two more days and I was ordained as the United NationsYouth Ambassador. In 2009, I accompanied the UN Expert Group Meeting on theWorld Program of Activity for youth.

Also in 2009, I developed anonline-based voting system for the National Secondary Students Council,which enabled students right across the island to ballot for theirnational representatives without having to allow the school."

Sheis a volunteer at Kingston Youth Information Centre, which is one of anumber operated by the National Center for Youth Development (NCYD)across the island, teaching basic information technology classes toinner-city youth. Traci-Ann Johns said, "In 2008, for Global YouthService Day, I organised activities inside the Richmond Park communitywhere I live. For International Youth Day 2008, we held a symposium atthe UWI undercroft, addressing the number of climate change."

"For2009, the United Nations` Youth delegates united to lobby for thedeclaration of 2010 as the International Class of the Youth. Our proposalwas accepted by the UN`s third committee in December of 2009, thatstarting August 12, 2010, will be the International Class of the Youth."

How long have you been in this field?

Four years.

Where have you studied?

The University of Technology.

Why this career path?

Ioften feel that the career chose me, rather than me choosing thecareer. As far rearward as I can remember, I have had a love forelectronics/technology, always pulling things apart and figuring themout, so I am able to put it back together. My parents enrolled me incomputer classes at around grade three and I was forever on top of thatclass, which the instructor thought was amazing, since I never, at thetime, had a computer at home. In university, in second year, we did aone-semester course in Internet technology, which I aced, and I loved itso at that place I thought, `this is it`!

The varnish on thedecision came from my doing youth work with the Home Center forYouth Development, when the NationalSecondary Students Council needed awebsite, and I think they saw my potential, as they trusted me with itsdevelopment. My passion for web design grew with that plan and I believe Iam so fortunate to not but get a career I am near at, but one that Itruly enjoy.

How was the march when you first started in this career field?

Imust say I had no problems starting my career, mostly because of myinvolvement in youth work during my university period. My greatestachievements, so far, in my new career have been on projects I haveworked on out of the organisation, and I have received excellentrecommendations from them to prospective clients.

What are you currently doing to further develop your ambitions for your career path?

Ialways wanted to be an entrepreneur and, today, I am. I started Websolin November of last class and I am currently running on setting thefoundation for my company before pursuing further studies. I intend, inthe near future, to engage my postgraduate degrees in the field ofinformation security. Jamaica is positioning itself to growtechnologically, and security is leaving to be a key component in thatgrowth. In my field of web designs and applications, especially, securityis key and my child in university was computer security. I will beworking on integrating information-security strategies into my company.

What do you desire to attain in 10 years?

In10 years, I desire to be at the top of my career (one of the top-10successful IT companies). I desire to discharge my masters as good as myPhD. I should be consulting with companies and government agencies onIT-security management. In that time, I trust to make significantcontributions to the growth of young in Jamaica, through technologyor otherwise.

What drives and inspires your career path?

Asidefrom my passion for the field, I must say I let a firm support team. Myparents and those nearest to me are ever supportive, always there toguide me and, most important always there to tell me `never pass up`. Myinspiration also for being successful in my calling is a demand for me tobe in a place to hold support to my house for the days they havesupported and aided me.

What do you get to go as the succeeding of the future generation?

Asthe future of the future generation, I think I offer innovation neededto assist in the growth of our country. In everything I do, I tryto find time to establish help to Jamaica, specifically youth development.

Do you see yourself to be revolutionary, how do you design to transfer the back or your field?

Primarily,in my field we see that mainly medium-to-large companies have anInternet presence. My aim is to go with mainly small job to helpthem gain international recognition. It is my belief that a website isvery beneficial to a business, because it gives customers andprospective customers 24/7 access to your business.

Besides access to education, what do you believe needs to be through in place to transform youth in Jamaica?

Thereneeds to be a survey of the program and how it`s being delivered. Istrongly believe that there necessarily to be equality in the educationsystem. The schools in rural and inner-city areas should be receivingthe same tone of instruction as those `uptown`, as the quality ofteachers should not disagree with the position of the school.

Distinguish yourself from your peers.

At22, it`s considered the peak years of life. It`s the clock for partyingand having nothing but fun for some _ building a career can wait `tilI`m closer to 30. For I`ve learned that I can`t have it all at once. Ieither want to concentrate on building my career, or I wish to concern myselfwith being new and enjoying life to the fullest, like most of mypeers. The conclusion I made was that partying, clubbing, all the goodstuff, will even be there when I have successfully made a name formyself. Not to say I don`t make a break occasionally. I do, but myprimary focus is being successful in my field, and so the `Facebooking`,the `twittering`, the partying, clubbing and hanging with friends, it`sat a minimum for me.

I too receive a firm smell of volunteerism,which a lot of new people don`t today. No matter what, I try to maketime to offer and serve other young people, or assist withprogrammes/projects that will be good to Jamaica`s youth.

Old men find the world, true or false? Why?

Forthe time being, the argument is true. I think the old men create alot of regulations/requirements that block young people from rising toofar. However, times are changing and the ambitions and testament of youngergenerations are growing. Just as we are now seeing a lot of femaleleaders, which erst was unthinkable, the clock is approaching when the old menwill have to bed and give way for the younger, more innovative,people to find the world.

The traditional ways of ruling andleading have long become obsolete and is start to betray us. The youngminds of this earth can take a substantial difference once given theopportunity.

What`s been the most challenging piece of fashioning a call for yourself in your field?

Thebiggest challenge in devising a list for myself is my age. When you starta business so young, you look like you always need to be provingthat you own the cognition and skills to get it. I care a challenge,so I give no problems, yet, proving my capabilities in my field.

Written by Gleaner Company

Written by techinva

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