We leave not like we had made more money, acquired more stuff, lived more comfortably taken more vacations, watched more television, pursued greater retirement, or been more successful in the eyes of the world. David Platt, "Radical"
I am very glad I take this book, I think. I say I suppose because Ifound certain parts about it unsettling.I was confronted with some things about myself that made me uncomfortable and that is not a bad thing. Any time you take a word and feel yourself wanting to plunge into Word and re-read verses you get read nearly all your life I believe it's good. David Platt puts a spotlight behind the language of Christ in such a way that we can no longer brush them off or excuse them off and skip merrily on to the following verse. You know, the warm fuzzy verses that differentiate you how much God loves you. He does love us, and if we experience Him, then He already has us. But there is a huge and lonely world out there that does not love Him, has never heard the Gospel,who arehungry and thirsty and sick,and may not do it done the day. God is asking.what are you,my church, going to do about it? God hasentrustedthe churchwith the awful responsibility of takingHis good newsto everyone else on the planet, with getting it to them before they die. It is a living and last message, and its an urgent one.It won't happen by any sort of magic osmosis. It won't necessarily happen fast, and it may need some time. By investment in relationships long term. I came out from this record with a deeper understanding of exactly how often God really does love the world. He would do anything to keep it, but would we? Wouldwebe willing to give our lives to keep them? Does God bear this of us? So he said to them all: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and make up their cross daily and watch me. For whoever wants to preserve their spirit will miss it, but whoever loses their spirit for me will keep it. Luke 9:23, 24What are we clinging to so tightly that we wouldn't hold up for Him? There are testimonies in this record that state of people,despite greatfear and trepidation,trading in their old livesof stress and endless accumulation, only to see that Hewas right therewaiting to consecrate them with something far better than anything they always had before! The inexpressible and glorious joy that Godmeant forus to make all along. I found myself questioning my giving. Do Ipass sacrificially or out of my excess? Do I give out what I don't want anyway, and save a check toa charityso I can sleep better at night? How often does God expect?I always felt so bad for the fat young ruler who comes to Christ and remaining with such sadness,but for the start time I was confronted by the fact that there is a bit of the fat young ruler in myself. Maybe much more than I wish to admit. Whathappens when the church starts to see so often alike the world you can no longer tellthe twoapart? Does the world dislike us?Why should it when there islittle or no differentiation between us, whenthe church is seeking and striving after all the same things the man does? If you belonged to the world, it would know you as its own. As it is, you do not go to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. John 15:19 Why would God sendHis people to a situation where sharing the gospel means certain death or imprisonment? Doesn'tHe wantus safe? What most people who have never heard the gospel? If they have never heard it then won't they get a "go direct to Heaven pass?" But as I read, I kept thinking of Jesus words."I say you the truth, unless a centre of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains but a 1 seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." John 12:24 I don't suppose He was just talk about Himself. These are some of the questions addressed in the word and I reckon they are valid questions. The fact that this record was on the New York times bestseller list makes me believethatmany in the American church believe that something does needs to change.I have heard and understand many testimonies of people who havenot been afraid to looking into their hearts and ask themselvesthe hard questions. People whofelt the Spirit lay a load on their affection to get a drasticchange, to give for the sound of others.I think ofsuccessful author Lisa Samson. After a missions trip, she and her husband sold their luxurious homein the suburbs and stirred to the interior city to minister to the poor. She now feels blessed beyond measure. Having said that, this is not a script meant to indict the rich,but to advance those whohave much to go round and bless others to theglory of God.It is likewise not a word that says that you get to betray all you get in order tobe saved. The conclusion of the bookleft mewith a selection and a challenge. I thinking about pretending Ihad never say it because now I feela response is necessary. I am thankful for it, because there are some things I required to question.Despite how sobering I sometimesfoundthe book,at the end I experienced something that was completely unexpected, a sort of wild exultant joy. I couldn't help but be captivated by thinking how it would be toenter into that spirit of radical faith and see what God could do throughlittle scaredy-cat me. I give this word with my faith strengthened and I find comfort in the speech of Peterafter some of the disciples took off and Jesus asked if he cherished to leave too"Lord, to whom shall we go? You get the language of everlasting life." Peter knew that whatever he had to go through, living without Christ was unthinkable. I am going ahead with an overt and prayerful heart and I am grateful that David Platt had the bravery to publish it.If any of you get learn the word I would be concerned to see what you thinking about it!
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