Tuesday, July 12, 2011

LIVING WATERS - By LeAnn: Inner City Mission Journal Moments .

ArtBook__042_042__ChristHealingTheSickAtBethesda_Sm___ LIVING WATERS - By LeAnn: Inner City Mission Journal Moments .
Due to ankle surgery and recovery; I wasn't abletowork onour Inner City Commission for acouple of weeks.However, this past week has made up for the days missed. This pastweek has been somewhat of a fight for me. I only like at times that I could make out and deliver these families and post them in different circumstances. Many of their lives are so complicated. There are usually multiple concerns.

We have been granted permission by the Bishop to facilitate the one man who isliving ina trailer.The health departmentwill soon evict himifthe trailerisn't cleaned up and repaired. I have been worrying about him. I keep hoping he has air conditioning; I can't fathom living in a trailer withoutit due to the rut and humidity here.It has been mentioned that he doesn't take a cascade in the trailer. So, I think my head would be where does he shower? How does he take charge of these kinds of problems??This will be aservice projectfor the ward.A group will goover and do the cleaning and needed repairs.My husbandis going to match the trailer out and seewhatwill beneeded to utter the project.
This week wemet with a home that are struggling with so many issues; it starts to feelso complex. They recently moved herefrom another area.They required to see a cheaper apartment. Even the rent they are paid for this apartment seems rather high. The father is disabledand has difficulty walking.The flat is in the basement soI know it must be hard to go up and down the stairs.Their dryer is not running so they hadclothes hanging in the kitchen. It brought back a store of usinga wooden laundry rack to dry clothes. Of course, I have sweet memories of hangingclothes outside on the clothes line.The dress always smelled so fresh.I loved that memory.Withmission and ward resources we should be capable to get them a working dryer
As we went into their living room; I could have cried.They had very little furniture.They had sweet family pictures unframed on their wall.They havechildren andtheyappear well adjusted and happy. We went into Mexico several days ago and in the poorest of weather in one of their small villages we found that the peopleappeared to behappy. Perhaps those with little are sometimes more happy than those with much.
This familyhave somehuge medical concerns.The motherhas many healthproblems. The don is strugglingwith somedental needs. There aresome resourcesthat can help get thedental care needed.The children get a fewhealth issuesalso. The father and children do take some medical insurance which is such a blessing.
They receive one car and it isn't working. They live about15 blocksfrom the church so they walkthere. I admire them for devising the drive to do to church sofaithfully. The final two Sundays the weather as been hot and humid not a pleasant day forwalking to church.
The mother has a job and he takes the bus to go and then rides his bicycle home. He only works part time because if they make him full time bring the job has to pay for health insurance. He would know to get a better job; so we will be helping him join with the church employment services.
Another family we are running with are too new in the ward. They are both disabled; but able to make a small bit.Even with their SSI it is hard to receive their financial needs and still have food.
Some of the individuals we act with qualify forfood stamps.In general thechurch helps with temporary assistance for nutrient and etc. The maingoal is to receive the resources to helpindividuals andfamiliesbe able to be more selfreliant.
We receive likewise been taking to church a pair of sisters; a father and daughter. It has been fun to get to live them. The father who is in her 80's at one time could speak 4 languages. I enjoy their personalities and they are both characters to say the least. They make only started coming second to church. This week the daughter knewsome individuals in the ward; so now she has some friends. I consider that is pretty awesome.

This past week we had a number of 4 calls for welfare assistance. I proceed to be amazed with all of the families and individuals that are out of study due to economic conditions and other problems.Perhaps if we were in better times there would not be so many with so big of needs. I pray always that we can attend and assist these individuals and families better their circumstances.
"Welfare in the church means temporal and spiritual well-being." (Providing in the Lord's Way. p.3. Our hope ishelp our assigned familiesboth temporally and also strengthening their spiritual well-being.

InDeuteronomy 7-11,the following thoughts are extracted from these verses.
If there be among you a wretched man
Thou shalt not harden thy heart
Thou shalt give thy hand wide unto him
For this thing, the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works
For the poor shall never cease out of the land
Thou shalt give thy hand wide unto thy poor, thy needy

Thankful thoughts today -
111. I am thankful for the giving of grandchildren.
112. I am thankful that we could atten the baptism of our sweet little granddaughter Averi.
113. I am thankful for those special occasions that we get to with our family.
114. I am thankful that my girl and son in law and their children that exist in South Dakota could spend some time with us.
115. I am so thankful for a just husband who is constantly helping me with my everyay concerns.
117. I am thankful for the king of the priesthood and for the blessings given me by my husband.
118. I am thankful for the Priesthood blessings granted to my children and grandchildren when needed.
119. I am thankful for the Sabbath day; a day to serve.
I am thankful for the approval of partaking of the consecrated emblems of the Sacrament each week.
120. I am thankful for the second during the sacrament that I can repent of my sins and speculate on the things I want to vary in my life.

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