Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Child's Heart

A Child's Heart
Phillip and I got the chance to teach inner city kids the plot of hockey on Thursday at Kirkpatrick Community Centre in Nashville. It was my first time going and it actually was a great experience. The kids were truly fantastic.From the minute we brought out all of the equipment, the kids were fired up and prepare to play.

We taught them what a breakaway was, how to shoot and pass, and actually only had fun with them. The kids had a blast. They were running around playing with each other, and warmed up to us wish we were a piece of their family.We did make one injury on the day(Phillip got hit in the skin with a plastic puck and whined like a small girl) but it was all worth it. Pretty soon, the kids wanted to bring a game. So, we proceeded to split them up and started playing a game. I'll assure you, some of them take some game. They were running about and deking and shot and actually just having the sentence of their lives.The affair that stood out to me was the heart these kids have. No matter what they do, they merely try to love themselves. Everywhere you looked, their were smiles on the faces of the children. At the end of the day, that's actually what it's all about. The centre of a baby is really a wondrous thing. They're willing to be friendly with anyone and they need to get as much fun and joy as they can. I originally went their intending to instruct them a game, but I left with something that I didn't rely on happening. The kids really put things in view for me. Life actually is about having fun and doing things that do you, and other people, happy. I believe that's a lesson all of us can learn. No matter how old you are, you can ever create a positive affect on somebody's life. We can read from these kids. We can all express the same attention and pity to each other as the kids show to everyone. We can all make more fun in our lives and do things for other people. Bringing other people joy will get you more joy than perhaps you had previously even thought possible. Learn from these kids. They're not below the better of circumstances. None of them have some of the luxuries that I have, or that most of us have. But all they need to do is have fun. Hockey provides them with that. Hockey is a plot for all people and all ages, and what I saw Thursday proved that.

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