Thursday, September 30, 2010

Life in an Open Air Drug Market

Life in an Open Air Drug Market
I found this on my computer, while searching despretely for nearly 10,000 lost words. Ugh. I didn't get them, but I had forgotten I wrote this. I've been trying to force back the memories of Baltimore as often as possible and this reminded me just how I felt there. "It wasn`t a good movie. There was so much drug use. I was shocked. We turned it off." "Oh how terrible.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

DVD Verdict Review - TCM Greatest Gangster Films Collection: James .

The Evidence

White Heat is the only pure gangster film in this collection, with James Cagney playing Cody Jarrett, first seen shooting witnesses during a train robbery. Cody is brought land from the top of the crime world by a serial of flaws and mistakes: severe headaches that wind at mental illness, an obsessive relationship with his Ma, and his friendship with an undercover informant.